18/1/2019 0 Comments What's The Secret To Proactivity?“I’m so busy!” How often have you heard that, uttered with a hint of pride and satisfaction? Now be honest, how often have you said that, with the intention of sharing how much you are getting done and how much you are crushing it? But let’s not get fooled. Being busy doesn’t mean you are being more proactive, that you are intentionally seeking new opportunities or challenges. Busy people tend to be reactive, being managed by new tasks that pop into their inbox rather than working strategically. In comparison, proactivity is about focusing on what’s important, and sometimes going out of your comfort zone to achieve goals. At the start of the year you might have set an intention or resolution for your goals. There is no way to achieve these by being reactive. Think of a goal like a house, you have to build it up from the ground up which takes planning and preparation. “If you don’t ask, you don’t get.” This is an oversimplified statement, but at the heart of it is truth. If you don’t raise your hand for opportunities in the workplace, or step outside of your comfort zone in another situation no one is going to know that you wanted to prove or that you had a desire to achieve something important to you. Think of proactivity as the only way to move forward. While reactivity may keep you occupied, it doesn't have any movement. It makes you feel stuck. Isn’t moving forward more important than achieving inbox zero? But how can we go about being more proactive and less reactive? Here are a few thoughts: Plan and be disciplined Remember that proactivity can help you move forward? Well, you do need a destination in mind. It doesn’t have to be a five-year detailed plan, but get specific about even one goal to work towards and brainstorm ways to get there. You will quickly realise that ‘waiting for it to happen’ is not an option, and there are things you will actively need to do to achieve your goal. Being proactive means you have to think ahead and get more granular in your approach, as suggested by WIP Coach Janine Manning. Check out how she decides on a game-changing goal to help her get more specific.
How did you find BYDEAU and what drew you to the company? I found BYDEAU through the Honeycombers HK website, and was immediately drawn to their branding - it was and still is very much aligned with my personal aesthetic, which I share via social media. A lot of research went into finding out more about the brand story on different platforms, lots of stalking on Instagram of course. From that I knew I wanted to contribute to the company. What made you approach this company so proactively? Most of us have been there, job hunting can be a long and tiring process, often coming across job openings that don’t spark joy. In general, I only approach companies which I really feel passionate about and can see myself growing with. It’s like what people say, if you find a job you love, you’ll never work another day in your life. There wasn’t an advertised opening for this role at the time, but the company ticked a lot of boxes so I took a chance and reached out to the founder on LinkedIn. I once read a handy article on how to connect with senior management on LinkedIn, and the main takeaway was not to overly sell yourself. Express an interest in what they do and mention that you’d like to keep up with their work, followed by a bit of background about yourself. |
I was lucky enough that BYDEAU had the bandwidth to add a headcount within marketing just as I was about to move to Hong Kong. Once a meeting was set up, it was important to be able to identify my strengths and weaknesses. Being an online business, I felt they’d be looking for someone with experience in digital marketing - definitely an area I could improve on. I had to think about how I was going to stand out in the interview by focusing on my strengths and willingness to learn.
So I created a marketing plan for them, which showcased different ideas I had tailored to BYDEAU for 2018 - from Instagram content to collaborations and events. Although this was not mentioned in our email exchange, I believed that voluntarily creating a proposal would show initiative and thorough research was done.
So I created a marketing plan for them, which showcased different ideas I had tailored to BYDEAU for 2018 - from Instagram content to collaborations and events. Although this was not mentioned in our email exchange, I believed that voluntarily creating a proposal would show initiative and thorough research was done.
So the secret to proactivity is that there is no secret! Just habits and behaviours.
What helps you be more proactive and less reactive? Let us know in the comments!